Sed vitae dignissim metus. Etiam non fermentum nunc. Sed euismod dapibus leo vel laoreet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus non ultricies ex. Donec a sem pulvinar nibh pellentesque rhoncus. Fusce in ex vel leo commodo finibus. Vivamus arcu neque, pretium porta odio at, condimentum consequat nisi. Nam eu laoreet urna, vel aliquam tellus. Donec a orci at lacus varius posuere.

Nulla egestas urna in turpis vehicula cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur metus orci, congue et tincidunt at, interdum eget purus. Ut dictum eros at lobortis pulvinar.

Cras non volutpat enim, id molestie tellus. Praesent et vulputate mauris. Donec dignissim mi turpis, in congue lorem sagittis vel. Quisque blandit elit vel nisi aliquam, semper auctor nibh tincidunt. Duis laoreet pulvinar vulputate. Pellentesque blandit ornare tincidunt.

Oubada Hawass, CEO


Dr. Oubada Hawass MD, CCFP

Founder & CEO

Marwa Nadr, BSc, Minor MKTG

Founder & President

Harlan Johnson

Contracts & Business Development, Chief Contracting Officer for the DOI, USA (ret.)

Michel Bussiers, Pilot

Chief Aerial Firefighting Pilot, Long-line & Safety Training Instructor

S. Sobhan, M.E. Eng, PhD

Senior Mechatronic Engineer

Lee Benson, Pilot

Los Angeles Chief Pilot (ret.), Helicopter and Aviation Consultant

Atul Mehra, CA, CPA

Chief Financial Officer

Carson Sutten, Pilot

Aerial Firefighting & Testing Pilot



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Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imper per tempor doming
Timeline title
Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imper per tempor doming
Timeline title
Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imper per tempor doming
Timeline title
Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imper per tempor doming

Environmental Impact

We are committed to designing sustainable solutions. We believe it is our responsibility to solve today’s problems without creating more problems for tomorrow. The Striker reduces the environmental burden by reducing the required flight times by 500%.

Aerial X:

Growth & Innovation


3,000 square-foot prototyping and testing facility.

Aerial X Facility
Team with Helicopter and Striker


Our team includes mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, physics experts, firefighters, aerial firefighting pilots, test pilots,


The striker is a tested and proven product sold to customers including  the Canadian Government, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Striker Drop


We are committed to accuracy & reliability. Our rigorous testing methodology ensures that all of our products meet the highest standards.